Thomas with a T

I am me
That is Thomas with a T

I am me
Because of what I see
Physically and mentally
Of that which surrounds me
Internally, externally, for eternity

I am me
Because of family
They raised the man you see

The person I am today is strongly shaped and molded by the people I’ve known since I have first entered the world, my family. My mom and dad are the kindest people I know and I’m not just saying that because they’re my parents, but looking at the people they are and how they interact and treat others from an outside perspective, they are genuinely kind and caring of others. They not only taught, but showed me through their actions of the compassion we as humans withhold. My brother, my protector and my idol, love the guy. He’s my best friend and ever since we were younger I have always looked up to him. I’m 24 years old and I still look up to him. My older sister is an amazing woman and I love her a lot. Growing up we got along and are really close still which I am very thankful for because I see other families with awry relationships amongst siblings. My little sister, shes 17 years old, but she’ll always be my lil baby sister. The lil munchkin is a bright and beautiful girl, but shes growing too fast. My sweet lil fiancĂ© who I’ve known for majority of my life, she has my heart. We’ve been together since our teenage days and when I sit back and think about my life, she has taught me a lot. These people that I have mentioned are the ones that I have made me who I am today. The kind, smart, handsome stud that god bequeathed upon this earth… haha but yea, they are the ones that have strongly influenced my life growing up and instilled the beliefs and ideas in me which I value till this day myself. Of course I am also a product of my environment. I feel as though I am pretty aware and observant with things that go on around me, the way society is, politics, fairness and injustice, etc. These thing have also shaped me into who I am today. And that is Thomas with a T.


  1. Good job! I especially love the poem, as it really draws the reader into your post! Consider shortening your sentences and/or splitting up your text so it isn't one long (and harder to read visually) paragraph. :-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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